This book fits surprising well with Lenin's "State and Revolution" published in 1917. Reading these primary sources conveys well the often distorted story of political thought at the time, drawing attention to how much energy the current order spends to prevent political literacy, particularly around right wing revolutionary praxis, despite it being the most sensible thing in the world, both then and now.

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Dear Esotericist,

I am an aspiring translator of German and I would like to know if you have studied German and how you became a translator. I would like to start my own publishing business to publish Conservative-Revolutionary thought in Dutch. Do you use CAT? Is the university degree for Übersetzer-Dolmetscher which I am now pursuing worth it to become a right wing publisher? Please contact me because I want to inform myself about the practice of translating.

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I have no formal qualifications in German, so unfortunately I can give you no advice with regard to the value of particular degrees. My proficiency in German was gained through the immersive method; it involved surrounding myself with German media (films, songs, radio, books), studying books on German grammar and vocabulary, and starting translation practice with very simple texts and moving onward when I felt that I was good enough to go on. What motivated me to become a translator was the realisation that there was an enormous amount of great literature that was unavailable to the English-speaking world. There were very few people translating it, so I decided to take up part of the burden myself.

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I would recommend using computer aided translation to help with your learning, because it can help with difficult phrases. One exercise you could do is to take a passage you would like to translate, try to translate it yourself, and then check it against an online translation. When you're in the learning phase, an online translator can pick up on something you missed.

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